The Problem with Assessments
Knowledge and Insights for Compliance Success
Compliance Needs A New Mindset
Outcome-based Specifications
Agile Compliance
Better Compliance Done a Better Way
Are You Auditing What Really Matters?
Problem-solving in Highly-regulated, High-risk Industries
Essential Properties For A Managed Pipeline Safety Program
Total Safety Management
Compliance Now Requires a Design
Rasmussen's Risk Management Framework
Voluntary Information Sharing
How Structures Create Cultures
What is Management of Change
A Systems Roadmap for API RP 1173
The Two Towers of Safety: Be Safe, Act Safe
Regulatory Compliance Not Enough
Tyrannical Compliance
API RP 1173 – Taking Ownership of Your Obligations
Four Misuses of Audits
Managing Risk During Lean Improvements
How To Conduct Scoping Interviews to Manage Personnel Changes
Critical Defeats - Managing the Last Line of Defense
To Maintain Safety it is Necessary to Properly Transition Safety-Critical Roles