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323 items found for "outcome-based"

  • Be Certain About Change

    Compliance Risk - uncertainty in your ability to achieve quality, safety, environmental, and regulatory outcomes

  • How effective is your compliance program at buying down risk?

    These programs ensure that appropriate risk is taken so that business outcomes can be achieved.

  • Are You Ready To Surrender Your Decision-Making To Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

    that AI is capable of remarkable feats, such as analyzing vast amounts of data and making predictions based

  • Reducing Compliance Debt Caused by Deferred Maintenance

    A key component of this is to choose the right maintenance projects that will produce the best outcomes is analogous to managing a project portfolio which is typically monitored and adjusted on a periodic basis technical debt, compliance risk, and so on, to help determine the best or at least better maintenance outcomes

  • Risk Blindness: A Failure in Risk Perception

    In fact, several risk-based regulations mandate this approach and further define its natures: aleatory

  • AI Governance, Assurance, and Safety

    mitigating potential risks and negative consequences that could arise from the use of AI, such as unintended outcomes

  • Getting More from your Risk Registers

    consistent risk management system will help to counter the previous effects and produce better risk outcomes Plan-Do-Check-Act Questions: Which improvement step would help produce better risk outcomes for your

  • If There Is Care You Will Find Quality

    If your culture is at odds with your strategy it is impossible to advance outcomes.

  • Is Compliance a Waste?

    As we know customers will only pay for those things that contribute to value and that includes the outcomes

  • Digital Threads: The Future of Compliance

    The concept of digital twins is attributed to Michael Grieves based on a presentation he made in 2002 What makes digital twins different from computer-based modelling are the connections between the real The digital thread is a critical capability in model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and the foundation parts of something, holds it together and gives it value (Oxford's Learner's Dictionary); and in this case The Golden Thread is based on the following principles which you could also consider as system properties

  • Ethical Compliance

    adjusts the system under regulation so that its output states are within the allowable (or desirable) outcomes This is very much the case with current advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence systems integrity to protect against tampering along with other ways they can be manipulated to produce undesired outcomes word ethical with "safety" or "quality" or "environmental" which are more concrete examples of ethical-based Based on the laws of cybernetics along with the limitations previously discussed, we can now define "

  • A Failure in Cybersecurity – Lack of Intention

    While these are all valuable outcomes, they are often considered as goals that are worked on after all

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