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354 items found for "dragons-risk-uncertainty"

  • Certainty and Compliance

    As beneficial as that might be it does not capture the full nature of uncertainty. , "Risk Management" is getting in the way of effectively contending with uncertainty. Change Operationally, compliance at its core is the practice of meeting obligations in the presence of uncertainty means meeting all your obligations (conformance, performance, and outcome-based) in the presence of uncertainty That is why we propose using the labels Certainty & Compliance rather than Risk & Compliance.

  • Risk Planning is Not Optional

    medical device, chemical processing, high-tech, government, and others is that the ability to address uncertainty The ability to handle uncertainty is designed, maintained, and improved throughout the expected life For all companies that contend with uncertainty risk planning and implementation is not optional. Without adequate preparation it is not possible to effectively prevent or recover from the effects of uncertainty What is effective is handling uncertainty by design.

  • A New Year and A New Framework for Risk Management

    The Game of Snakes and Ladders Risk as we now understand it is a manifestation of uncertainty which has of uncertainty on objectives. of uncertainty on mission objectives. However, there were organizational hazards, uncertainties, and associated risk. contend with uncertainty.

  • Risk-based Continuous Improvement

    Does your improvement process properly contend with uncertainty and risk? make certain that outcomes are advanced in the presence of uncertainty. However, what makes the process proactive is the identification and assessment of uncertainty (the root Risk-based continuous improvement proactively contends with uncertainty and its effects on goal-directed It is triggered not by the presence of a problem but by the presence of uncertainty.

  • Why Didn’t Risk and Compliance Programs Change During the Pandemic?

    risk and compliance programs although it did impact priorities. Data was also reported as not being effectively utilized to reduce risk and by enlarge risk and compliance Why didn’t risk and compliance change during the pandemic? has changed - the underlying uncertainties and its possible effects have not substantively changed are sufficient to cover any changes to risk.

  • Rasmussen's Risk Management Framework

    Each program contributes to keeping the value chain safe from various risk including: quality risk, occupational safety risk, security risk, and so on. it comes to understanding risk across social-technical boundaries to achieve safety objectives along with other risk objectives. has been used to better understand safety risk in dynamic, social-technical systems.

  • Manage Legal Risk with ISO 31022:2020

    Earlier this year (May 2020) the International Standards Organization (ISO) published their legal risk which has focused on "loss prevention" to the ISO 31000 definition which focuses on the "effects of uncertainty This opens up risk consideration to both negative and positive effects of uncertainty on value creation Note 4: Risk from non-contractual obligations is the risk that an organization’s behavior and decision-making the risks that are contained within it.

  • Governance, Risk and Compliance

    GRC is an acronym for: governance, risk, and compliance which originated from the management consulting In addition to a compliance role, companies may also have a risk management function. Risk management at the corporate level has more to do with decision making regarding investments rather than buying down risk to ensure that the outcomes for decisions that have been made are achieved by value at risk.

  • Pro-activity is the Key to Addressing Risk

    To meet all your obligations at the speed of risk you must be proactive which is characterized by focusing

  • Be Certain About Change

    The impacts of change can result in: Mission and Strategic Risk - uncertainty in your ability to achieve short and long-term mission success Performance Risk - uncertainty in your ability ability to achieve Risk - uncertainty in your ability to isolate risk and avoid risk propagation Organizational and Structural you Innovation Risk - uncertainty in your ability to create new value streams Transformation Risk - #ManagementofChange #Risk #ChangeManagement #Uncertainty

  • Compliance Under Uncertainty Is Slowing You Down

    Life under uncertainty is a slow process. Compliance under uncertainty is also a slow process. So how does one make progress and move faster? This approach appeals to risk takers but perhaps those that like risk too much. approaches fail to address the root cause which is the lack of knowledge or what is called epistemic uncertainty If one wants to make progress it is important to contend with this uncertainty.

  • Integrated Risk Assessment

    companies are looking to integrated and proactive approaches to manage all their obligations, reduce risk Analysis can be an effective tool to ensure that you are not over or under investing with respect to risk

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